Category Archives: Anxiety & Stress

‘You can sleep when you’re dead’ is actually deadly advice, according to experts

Sleep, sleep, glorious sleep. Never apologise for it, be proud of your early nights, have a good routine leading up to bedtime and treat sleep like a bank account: if you dip in to your the amount of sleep you

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Some Clever Bastard Has Figured Out Exactly How Long The Ideal Holiday Is

Well then, we finally have the answer that keeps coming up regularly in the therapy room. I need not say any more except enjoy this article.
Comment by Mark Jones

Scrolling wistfully past the impossibly perfect snaps of Instagram’s travel … Read the rest

Why psychopaths cannot love their own children

A familiar theme in my therapy room is people who have spent their life seeking the approval of a parent and never quite achieving it, no matter what they do. Typically being belittled, being ignored, told that a sibling is

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The secret of a good night’s sleep has finally been found by scientists…

For those of you that are clients of mine, I never stop talking about how good nights sleep and our wellbeing is absolutely linked. As we are living longer, more research is being applied to sleep and this latest study

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A new study tries to unpick what makes people happy and sad

This article explains that if politicians focused on people becoming happy rather than tackling poverty it would cost the country 18x less! Proving help for people struggling with anxiety and depression rather than financially assisting them makes people happier. And

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The Science-Backed Reason To See Your Therapist In The Morning

A new study found that clients made more progress in overcoming anxiety, fears and phobias when they went to psychotherapy in the morning versus going in the afternoon.

Not a morning person? There still might be a good reason to … Read the rest

New Research May Offer Hope For Post-Traumatic Stress Treatment

PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is becoming more understood and has been associated with military personnel since the phrase ‘shell shocked’ came about in the First World War. This deliberating condition can be caused just as much from day to

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Science Says Drinking Coffee Can Actually Help Alleviate Your Anxiety

This is music to my ears. Coffee, my only vice is truly life’s wonder drink! Ok, like everything in life, it’s good in moderation and too much can be detrimental and actually increase anxiety. However, I’m a 5-6 cups a

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7 Crucial Lessons People Learn Too Late in Life

This short and sweet article gives us 7 great lessons that we can all learn from. Within the realms of my solution-focused therapeutic approach, lessons 2 & 6 particularly resonate. For those of you that have worked with me, I’ll

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The good, the bad and…the Cortisol

Want to stop ageing, loose weight, manage diabetes, then drop the stress in your life! This really interesting article explain that when we are operating from fear or stress, the very chemical that we produce to help us survive in

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