Category Archives: Depression

The good, the bad and…the Cortisol

Want to stop ageing, loose weight, manage diabetes, then drop the stress in your life! This really interesting article explain that when we are operating from fear or stress, the very chemical that we produce to help us survive in

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2 Alarming Findings About How Poor Sleep Hurts Your Heart

Sleep, sleep, glorious sleep! Why is it that when we are out of sorts, feeling stressed and generally unhappy, our sleep suffers? Well, for those of you who have already worked with me, you’ll understand that ‘the bucket’ is pretty

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How Your Waistline Changes Your View of Reality

Being overweight can change the way we see things

This great article explains new research on how being overweight changes the way that we perceive things. We certainly know when we are carrying extra pounds (whether we are honest with ourselves or not), however new research suggests that our

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How It Feels When the Person You Love Has Depression

Living with someone with depression

This rather refreshing account is written by someone who was in a relationship who was suffering with depression. Many articles are written about the sufferer, yet in my therapy room I work with many people who are simply trying to

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Eight Signs You Need To Lower Your Cortisol Level

Those of you familiar with my Solution-focused Hypnotherapy sessions will be fully aware of your ‘stress bucket’ (a metaphor for the chemicals we produce in our bodies when we are stressed, angry or anxious) and why it’s important to stop

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5 Psychology ‘Facts’ You Believe (That Are Myths)

This great article from explains in it’s typically honest way (a great website for interesting facts on pretty much everything, and written with a tongue-in-cheek style), 5 myths that I regularly encounter within the therapy room.  Namely: Depression, the

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Loneliness/ Poor Social Interaction? – Don’t suffer in silence, take action now!

With the weather as it currently is, all cold and rainy, we all have a tendency to hide away, cover our faces with our scarves and generally keep ourselves to ourselves.

I did an experiment this morning on my 40 … Read the rest

5 TED Talks to help you manage stress

One of my favorite inspirational “go-to’s” is TED Talks, a website that gets some of the most enlightening and profound talkers around the world to talk about what they love.

Here are 5 TED Talks that provide wonderful wisdom … Read the rest

15 Great tips to survive the holidays

Ha, Xmas is almost here and with it brings all of the joy, and indeed the stress with it!

Enjoy these handy tips to survive the next couple of weeks so that the New Year starts as you planned it

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Frequent use of high potency pot may lead to brain damage

In a recent article below, a new study has discovered in addition to the increased risk of psychosis of long term cannabis use, the higher potency “skunk” variations have now been linked to brain damage.

As a therapist I work

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