Category Archives: Hypnotherapy

The Science-Backed Reason To See Your Therapist In The Morning

A new study found that clients made more progress in overcoming anxiety, fears and phobias when they went to psychotherapy in the morning versus going in the afternoon.

Not a morning person? There still might be a good reason to … Read the rest

7 Crucial Lessons People Learn Too Late in Life

This short and sweet article gives us 7 great lessons that we can all learn from. Within the realms of my solution-focused therapeutic approach, lessons 2 & 6 particularly resonate. For those of you that have worked with me, I’ll

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Our memory capacity could be 10 times larger than we thought

This fascinating article, whilst rather “science’y” suggests that our understanding of of how our memories are store is farmer conservative than we imagined. When we pout this in to the context of my therapy room, one of the key elements

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The good, the bad and…the Cortisol

Want to stop ageing, loose weight, manage diabetes, then drop the stress in your life! This really interesting article explain that when we are operating from fear or stress, the very chemical that we produce to help us survive in

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Keep calm – it’s the secret to ageing well

This wonderful article explains how by keeping calm and being in control of your life can help in later age. Now whilst this makes sense, we are only understanding the neuroscience behind what we understand.

So if you are feeling

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What Fear Does to Your Brain – And How to Stop It

For those of you that have already worked with me, the following article will make perfect sense: a key part of the psychotherapy that I practice is getting clients to understand what is causing them to feel anxious, depressed, unconfident,

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Hypnotherapy Helped Me End a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships can be helped with Hypnotherapy

This article from Cosmopolitan describes how Hypnotherapy can create change, and for the writer it was to escape a bad relationship. Change can also mean applying for that new job, building bridges with family or friends, breaking that cycle of

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Eight Signs You Need To Lower Your Cortisol Level

Those of you familiar with my Solution-focused Hypnotherapy sessions will be fully aware of your ‘stress bucket’ (a metaphor for the chemicals we produce in our bodies when we are stressed, angry or anxious) and why it’s important to stop

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5 Psychology ‘Facts’ You Believe (That Are Myths)

This great article from explains in it’s typically honest way (a great website for interesting facts on pretty much everything, and written with a tongue-in-cheek style), 5 myths that I regularly encounter within the therapy room.  Namely: Depression, the

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A beautiful metaphor for life & how Solution-focused Hypnotherapy works

An Autobiography in Five Chapters

Chapter 1

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the pavement.
I fall in.
I am lost…I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find out how to … Read the rest