Tag Archives: amygdala

New Research May Offer Hope For Post-Traumatic Stress Treatment

PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is becoming more understood and has been associated with military personnel since the phrase ‘shell shocked’ came about in the First World War. This deliberating condition can be caused just as much from day to

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Science Says Drinking Coffee Can Actually Help Alleviate Your Anxiety

This is music to my ears. Coffee, my only vice is truly life’s wonder drink! Ok, like everything in life, it’s good in moderation and too much can be detrimental and actually increase anxiety. However, I’m a 5-6 cups a

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What Fear Does to Your Brain – And How to Stop It

For those of you that have already worked with me, the following article will make perfect sense: a key part of the psychotherapy that I practice is getting clients to understand what is causing them to feel anxious, depressed, unconfident,

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