Tag Archives: Fear

7 Crucial Lessons People Learn Too Late in Life

This short and sweet article gives us 7 great lessons that we can all learn from. Within the realms of my solution-focused therapeutic approach, lessons 2 & 6 particularly resonate. For those of you that have worked with me, I’ll

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Hypnotherapy Helped Me End a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships can be helped with Hypnotherapy

This article from Cosmopolitan describes how Hypnotherapy can create change, and for the writer it was to escape a bad relationship. Change can also mean applying for that new job, building bridges with family or friends, breaking that cycle of

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How to Overcome the Fear of Therapy

Rustic wooden sign in an autumn park with the words Afraid- Brave offering a choice of action and attitude with arrows pointing in opposite directions in a conceptual image.

One of the most common questions that I have from people when they find out what I do is “So who are the types of people you work with?”, to which my reply is “Everybody: you, me, and everyone that

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