About Me
Here is a little bit about me and what I am about;
I am passionate about getting more out of life. What does ‘more’ mean to me?
It means reading a great book, meeting interesting people, listing to music that makes me happy, sad and brings me wonderful or reflective memories. When I am in the car, on my bicycle or simply walking, ‘more’ means a beautiful scene, an evocative smell, or the calm or noise of life happening around me. ‘More’ means enjoying my own company, enjoying others company, sharing experiences, re-living experiences planning new experiences. To learn from my mistakes, to build on my successes and to work out what I would like out of my life and then plan and achieve it, whatever ‘it’ may be.
After having a wonderfully exciting career in Engineering, selling, running my own businesses and being a consultant, I have realised that the ‘thing’ that has followed me through life has been that I enjoy empowering people to get their own ‘more’ out of life. At the time I was realising this was what I wanted to, I didn’t actually know what ‘it’ was until I discovered solution-focused hypnotherapy.
Being a Hypnotherapist has given me the professional skills to empower people to get what they want from life, discover barriers and limitations that are preventing us moving forward and focus on a great future by setting realistic and achievable goals. I have developed so much from asking myself the very same questions that I get my clients to ask themselves, that I am a far better person, friend, father, partner and proud member of society.
My life experiences are wide and varied; I am in my 40’s, a father of two beautiful girls, I have loved, married and lost, I have been a career man, I have run my own retail company, worked at all levels of business, lost my father to cancer, been made redundant, made lots of money, lost lots of money, laughed and cried in equal amounts and found myself. I have some regrets and things that I would do differently but I am proud of myself and the journey I have traveled.
I hope that this has given you a bit of an insight into me and what makes me tick. I would love to hear from you and discuss what you want from life.