Give Up Smoking With Hypnotherapy

There is only one true way to stop smoking, and that is to stop completely, without gimmicks & replacement substitute methods. Hypnotherapy has proven to be, time after time, the the most effective form of permanently giving up smoking for good, and within my practice I help many people stop smoking, take back control of their lives and go on to enjoy a healthy, positive future.

Giving up smoking with hypnotherapy is easyClients enjoy a wonderful 2 hours of hypnotherapy, using a tried and tested structure that has helped thousands of people give up this terrible and life-destroying habit.

This area of my work is one of the most exciting parts because of the instant positive change in my client’s attitude and happiness when the leave me after the session. After loosing my own father to lung cancer through smoking at quite an early age, I love to see my clients go on and lead more fulfilling lives. Interestingly, smoking is one of the biggest causes of depression and anger (due to the chemical effects on the brain) and the positive changes in my clients are incredible to watch.

So how do you do it?….

The 3 Easy Steps to Stop Smoking

  2. CALL ME NOW TO BOOK A 2 HOUR APPOINTMENT (only £120 and you also take away my FREE CD)

It really is that simple, just listen to some of my client’s success stories:

I am shocked it’s worked. I have tried everything and I always went back to smoking. After the hypnotherapy I just wasn’t interested in picking one up again. Thank you Mark.
Shelly P, Devizes

I can’t describe why, but I haven’t reached for a cigarette since the session. I used to smoke 20 a day and haven’t touch a packet in over a month. Already I’ve noticed I feel better, my breathing has improved and I’m enjoying my cycling more than I ever did. The money I’ve saved already has paid for the treatment twice over!
Andrew, Wiltshire

My wife says I am a different person since stopping smoking with Mark. She says I am a better husband and father and I’m not moody any more. I also have more energy and my weight is dropping. The best decision I’ve ever made.
Pete, Trowbridge

I haven’t smoked again. I still don’t understand why but it works. I would recommend you do this now!
Alison, Chippenham

To learn more about the benefits of giving up smoking I have provided the following links for you:

View all of my blog posts on giving up smoking.

The NHS website –  an excellent resource on the benefits of stopping smoking and some interesting articles.

The ASH website (Action on Smoking and Health)

Smokefree England – a handy site explaining the rules for smoking in England

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