… Read the restWithin my practice I am seeing more and more Millennials who come wanting to address mental challenges, confidence issues etc. One of the consistent threads that I hear amongst many of them is the regular use of cannabis. The reasons
Category Archives: Drugs & Alcohol
Smoking cannabis just once as a teenager is enough to alter brain structure
Everything Booze Actually Does to Your Heart
… Read the restWe all love the odd glass of alcohol, it’s socially connecting and tastes great. However, we can easily kid ourselves as to how much we can easily drink over a night or week. This little article reminds us that a
Pub smoking ban: 10 charts that show the impact
… Read the restAs a hypnotherapist that regular helps smokers give up the habit, this interesting article provides us with a review of the last 10 years since the smoking ban. Very fascinating it is.
For those of you still smoking don’t despair
Alcohol Linked To Seven Types Of Cancer – Study
This is a rather sobering study on drinking, even amounts that we currently consider reasonable. Read the article and consider how much you’ll be drinking this Xmas. It certainly has me thinking!
Comment by Mark Jones Hypnotherapy
Any health benefits … Read the rest
Science Says Drinking Coffee Can Actually Help Alleviate Your Anxiety
… Read the restThis is music to my ears. Coffee, my only vice is truly life’s wonder drink! Ok, like everything in life, it’s good in moderation and too much can be detrimental and actually increase anxiety. However, I’m a 5-6 cups a
Do e-cigarettes make it harder to stop smoking?
… Read the restThis is an interesting article that looks at the positive and negative aspects of replacing smoking with e-cigarettes. Whilst the scientific research is still being carried out on the health aspects of e-cigarettes (popcorn-lung may be a symptom), my personal
Frequent use of high potency pot may lead to brain damage
… Read the rest
In a recent article below, a new study has discovered in addition to the increased risk of psychosis of long term cannabis use, the higher potency “skunk” variations have now been linked to brain damage.
As a therapist I work