Author Archives: Mark J

Brains Sweep Themselves Clean Of Toxins During Sleep

This latest research further adds to our understanding of the importance of sleep and which it is all of our responsibility to ensure we get good sleeping routines. many of you you will also be aware that a good nights

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The good, the bad and…the Cortisol

Want to stop ageing, loose weight, manage diabetes, then drop the stress in your life! This really interesting article explain that when we are operating from fear or stress, the very chemical that we produce to help us survive in

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Cancer Is Linked To Unexpressed Anger, Studies Say (And Here Are Ways To Deal With It)

It’s a well known fact that the less stress we carry, generally the healthier we are. There are many reasons and within my consulting room, my clients start to understand and see the changes that happen when they start taking

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Keep calm – it’s the secret to ageing well

This wonderful article explains how by keeping calm and being in control of your life can help in later age. Now whilst this makes sense, we are only understanding the neuroscience behind what we understand.

So if you are feeling

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Guys, Bad News: Negative People Are Doing This to Your Brain

We all know a friend or colleague that drags us down. However a recent study shows how damaging that friend can be. Many of my clients adjust their social circle when they start to improve their lives, spending more time

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What Fear Does to Your Brain – And How to Stop It

For those of you that have already worked with me, the following article will make perfect sense: a key part of the psychotherapy that I practice is getting clients to understand what is causing them to feel anxious, depressed, unconfident,

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Neuroscientist: Donald Trump’s meteoric rise can be explained by 4 basic human instincts

As many of you than know me, I have a fascination with narcissistic behaviour: working for 20 years is a sales environment made me realise that I was working with a few sociopaths, and many of my clients have escaped

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Go to Bed, Woman! 6 Reasons You Need More Sleep

Clients of mine will know how much I go on about getting those 6-8 hours in every night because of the importance of ’emptying our stress buckets’. The specific reason is that we need to get sufficient REM sleep (rapid

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How to Never Get Involved with a Psychopath, Narcissist or Sociopath—or Any Abuser—Ever Again

A subject most passionate to my heart: getting away fro sociopaths, psychopaths snd narcissists. This article is perfectly written and explains what to look for and to avoid.

If you have extracted yourself from such a relationship and ready to

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11 Ways You’re Secretly Ruining Your Relationship

This is a great little article regarding relationships and how you could be ruining them. Listed below are  11 pointers to look out for, and apart from number 5 (you’ll understand when you read it) you can apply all of

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