Category Archives: Self-Esteem

Why psychopaths cannot love their own children

A familiar theme in my therapy room is people who have spent their life seeking the approval of a parent and never quite achieving it, no matter what they do. Typically being belittled, being ignored, told that a sibling is

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The neuroscience of motivation—and how it can change your life

This great article explains the process of motivation: the neuroscience behind the process and the actions we can do ourselves to ensure this happens. What is encouraging about this article is that they understand the importance of understanding the science

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Science Says Drinking Coffee Can Actually Help Alleviate Your Anxiety

This is music to my ears. Coffee, my only vice is truly life’s wonder drink! Ok, like everything in life, it’s good in moderation and too much can be detrimental and actually increase anxiety. However, I’m a 5-6 cups a

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7 Crucial Lessons People Learn Too Late in Life

This short and sweet article gives us 7 great lessons that we can all learn from. Within the realms of my solution-focused therapeutic approach, lessons 2 & 6 particularly resonate. For those of you that have worked with me, I’ll

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Guys, Bad News: Negative People Are Doing This to Your Brain

We all know a friend or colleague that drags us down. However a recent study shows how damaging that friend can be. Many of my clients adjust their social circle when they start to improve their lives, spending more time

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Neuroscientist: Donald Trump’s meteoric rise can be explained by 4 basic human instincts

As many of you than know me, I have a fascination with narcissistic behaviour: working for 20 years is a sales environment made me realise that I was working with a few sociopaths, and many of my clients have escaped

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How to Never Get Involved with a Psychopath, Narcissist or Sociopath—or Any Abuser—Ever Again

A subject most passionate to my heart: getting away fro sociopaths, psychopaths snd narcissists. This article is perfectly written and explains what to look for and to avoid.

If you have extracted yourself from such a relationship and ready to

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8 Reasons You Need To Dump Your Man Today

This short little article pretty much summarises the things to look out for in a relationship that is in it’s death-throes but you don’t want to admit it. Although this is written from a female perspective, it also applies the

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Hypnotherapy Helped Me End a Toxic Relationship

Toxic relationships can be helped with Hypnotherapy

This article from Cosmopolitan describes how Hypnotherapy can create change, and for the writer it was to escape a bad relationship. Change can also mean applying for that new job, building bridges with family or friends, breaking that cycle of

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How Your Waistline Changes Your View of Reality

Being overweight can change the way we see things

This great article explains new research on how being overweight changes the way that we perceive things. We certainly know when we are carrying extra pounds (whether we are honest with ourselves or not), however new research suggests that our

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